Member-only story
The UK’s Musical Chairs
Or, this month’s prime minister
A friend of mine, who shall go unnamed, is a Scot with a great sense of humour and a way with words in the tradition of one of Scotland’s finest — Robbie Burns.
One could describe him as a bard. My friend that is. He sent me the following poem that I felt worthy of sharing with my audience.
“ The Brexit malaise lingers-on
Yes, remember their famous bus,
Where have all the promises gone?
Out the window just like Liz Truss.
UKIP’s fallacies are to blame
Trade with the EU has declined,
And Boris compounded the shame
Leaving the UK in a bind.
Over to №10s musical chairs
Who’ll be there when the music stops?
Rishi,- the best of the players
’Cause there’s no need to call the cops!”
British politics is always funny and very self deprecating, unlike US politics that takes itself far too seriously, and I think the following excerpt from the very funny and never to be improved upon British Comedy series, “Yes Prime Minister” is very typical of both English pomposity on one hand and brilliant, down…