We Need A Vaccine Against Stupidity, Rudeness and Entitlement

I’m sure these 3 behavioural issues are endemic.

Michael Trigg
4 min readApr 16, 2024
Photo by R. du Plessis on Unsplash

The stupidity of some people never fails to confound me. I am fortunate enough to live close to one the most beautiful waterfront walks in North America.

The West Vancouver Seawall.

I love my daily walk with the background sounds of gulls calling, the sea crashing against the rocks and the occasional ship horn sounding a warning to recreational boaters scooting in and out of the harbour.

I also love the ocean smell. A family of sea otters has taken up residence in the rocks and the smell of freshly caught fish often wafts along the breeze. This odour is not tantalizing on a very hot summer’s day when the descriptive of the fish smell can turn to reeking.

My walks along this beautiful piece of Canadian real estate are becoming less and less of a pleasure due to really stupid people having conversations on their cell phones, often with the speaker on. This bit of stupidity provides passerby's with both sides of conversations they have no interest in hearing.

What is wrong with these people? Are they that self important and their conversations so important they have to share them with the world?



Michael Trigg

A “Jack of all Trades” and master of some: Mechanic, Writer, Sales Rep, TV producer, Management, Insurance Agent, Consultant www.handshakeconsultants.com