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Where Is The Proof Of God?
I am an anti-theist but I am open to change if someone can provide me with irrevocable proof of the existence of god or any god.
There are many, many people in our world who really believe in Bigfoot. I’m not one of them but — I am open to change if someone can show me irrevocable proof of Bigfoot's existence. By that, I am talking about a body or a live Bigfoot or even a verified video. The same with Ogopogo, the fictional monster that reside in Lake Okanagan located in British Columbia.
Ditto for the Loch Ness monster, Roswell aliens and Father Christmas, the latter I offer tongue in cheek. Everybody knows there is no Father Christmas with the exception of little kids.
There are many, many stories of miracles passed down through the ages but all are debatable and open to interpretation. Of course the religious will consider anything that appears to contradict the laws of physics to be a miracle. Therefore, a dead person coming back to life as in the case of Jesus of Nazareth. It supports their position there is a god who actually interacts with believers and who on the odd occasion intercedes in the goings on of humans.
Of course the religious say it all boils down to faith. However, faith is not based on fact. Faith is a personal…